







In a moment of celebration tinged with sorrow and no little anger, the staff of Britain's best-selling News of the World tabloid (1) cheered as they left their offices on Saturday for the last time.


Reporters, editors and production staff walked out of the building in east London en masse (2), and lined up before the world's cameras waiting to capture a piece of media history.


The headline of the last edition was simple and unusually low key. It read: "THANK YOU & GOODBYE" and underneath in smaller print added: "After 168 years, we finally say a sad but very proud farewell to our 7.5 million loyal readers."


The words appeared over a montage of some of the paper's most famous front pages, most of them involving celebrities, members of the royal family and politicians.


Inside, the paper ran several nostalgic editorials charting its successes over the years, in addition to the usual fare of celebrity gossip (3), showbiz and other news. The only adverts the last issue carried were for charities.


The owners of News of the World made the shock decision to close the title on Thursday in the face of mounting criticism of its newsgathering techniques.


Claims of illegal hacking (4) into the voicemails of stars, royals, families of soldiers killed in combat and a kidnapped girl later found murdered have engulfed parent company News Corp in scandal.


Rupert Murdoch, head of News Corp which also owns the Sun, Times and Sunday Times newspapers in Britain, flies to London this weekend to try to contain the fallout, fearing it could jeopardize his bid to buy British broadcaster BSkyB.


Staff at News of the World, where some 200 people are losing their jobs, have voiced anger and disbelief at the sudden move to shut it down, believing they were ruthlessly sacrificed to save the BSkyB deal.


The collapse in advertising in the wake of the latest hacking allegations may also have played a part in the decision.


Colin Myler, the outgoing editor, addressed the media gathered outside his offices, watched by his staff who cheered him loudly. "It's actually our 8,674th edition after 168 proud years," he said, holding aloft a copy of the front and back pages of the closing edition.


Before leading his team away, he added: "And now, in the best traditions of Fleet Street, we're going to the pub." At the Cape pub nearby, some employees shed tears.


Galling for many employees was the fact that Rebekah Brooks, a editor of News of the World when an investigator working for the paper hacked into the voicemail of missing schoolgirl Milly Dowler, remained in her post. She has denied any knowledge of the Dowler hacking case which has repulsed the British public.


In a sign of the anger some feel toward Brooks, a Twitter user called NOTWJourno blogged: "8,674 editions, 7.4 million readers all put to sleep in order to save the skin of one woman."


Rival titles in the cut-throat (5) world of British tabloid journalism will be looking to exploit the demise of the market leader, with the Mail on Sunday and Sunday Mirror seen as most likely to benefit in the short term. In the longer term, many News of the World journalists expect a new title to replace the closed newspaper, possibly a Sunday version of the daily Sun.

(路透 Reuters)


Key Words

1. tabloid

(n.) 通俗小報

2. en masse

(adv.) 全體

3. gossip

(n. v.) (說)八卦

4. hack

(v.) 非法侵入

5. cut-throat

(a.) 競爭激烈的、割喉戰的


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