





Defying police water canon and tear gas (1), tens of thousands of students marched in Chile's capital and main cities on Thursday, the latest in a series of protests seen obstructing the government's legislative agenda.


Carrying banners that read "Don't profit" (from public education), students demanded improved education standards, lower university fees and cheaper bus passes (2) from Chile's center-right government.


Television images showed some protesters, wearing T-shirts over their faces, throwing rocks at armored police vans that spewed tear gas in the capital Santiago. Buses were covered in student slogan graffiti (3).


Most of the protesters -- estimated by police at around 70,000 in the capital alone -- marched peacefully in one of the biggest rallies since President Sebastian Pinera took office last year, ending 20 years of center-left rule in Chile.


Student protests have plagued successive governments in a country where students must pay towards their state education, and are piling fresh pressure on the embattled administration.

民調機構Adimark GfK本月公布的數據顯示,儘管品內拉上任以來,讓智利經濟從去年極具破壞性的地震災難中強力復甦,然因通過一具爭議性的水力發電計畫,今年5月品內拉的支持率達到新低,只有36%。

Pinera's approval rating hit a new low of 36 percent in May, a survey by pollster Adimark GfK showed this month, punished for his government's approval of a controversial hydro electric project and despite the strong economic recovery from the ravages of a devastating earthquake last year.

身為億萬富翁的品內拉,之前也因智利零售公司La Polar信用不正當的醜聞而受到重擊。該醜聞更造成智利股市劇烈震盪。批評家表示,智利政府無法善盡監督之責。

A billionaire, Pinera has also been buffeted by a scandal over credit irregularities at retailer La Polar <LAP.SN> that have sent shockwaves through the stock market. Critics say the government failed on oversight.

「這讓政府很難提前進行其立法議程。」紐約大學政治科學家納維亞表示。「人們對國會中發生的事不太注意。所以街頭上發生的政治動盪,還有La Polar的醜聞話題都讓政府專注於立法議程一事變得非常困難。」

"This makes it very difficult for the government to advance its legislative agenda," said Patricio Navia, a political scientist at New York University. "People are not paying attention to what happens in Congress, so the political upheaval in the streets and the La Polar issue too make it very difficult for the government to focus on its legislative agenda."




The government will likely struggle to push through a plan to eliminate a 7 percent health contribution by pensioners (4), post-natal legislation and, ironically, education reforms that are being negotiated in Congress.


However key capital market reforms in the world's top copper producer, aimed at boosting liquidity and ensuring the solvency (5) of the country's financial markets, are less divisive, and seen to be safe.


The government is sending components of that reform package to Congress as separate bills, hoping it will speed up their passage. It has already submitted bills that regulate derivatives, as well as the use of insurance contracts.


"We want the government to listen to the demands students have had for years," said student Marco Caceres as he marched in the downtown Santiago, as others blew whistles and shouted.


Conservative Pinera took power in March 2010, pushing a raft of labor, health, energy, electoral and environmental reforms, although his first year was consumed with reconstruction after a massive quake in February 2010.


Analysts say many Chileans feel he has failed to deliver on pledges to reduce poverty and raise living standards. However Chile's center-left opposition is in disarray after losing last year's presidential election, and its own approval rating is far lower than Pinera's, at just 23 percent. "The street protests are filling the vacuum left by the fact there is no institutional opposition," said political analyst Ricardo Israel.

(路透 Reuters)


Key Words

1. tear gas

(n.) 催淚瓦斯

2. bus pass

(n.) 巴士月票

3. graffiti

(n.) 塗鴉

4. pensioner

(n.) 領退休金者

5. solvency

(n.) 無債務


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